You must have ESPN

August 30, 2019

Listen: Out There by Hovvdy & Lomelda

Given that the Texas performers Hovvdy* and Lomelda are currently on tour together, their joint track “Out There” feels ripe for a listen. If you’re wondering how to interpret the title, the song feels more “outside” than it does “wacky,” though there’s some rogue saxophone thrown in there erratically over the lyrics. But by and large, “Out There” cultivates a sophisticated suburban vibe, dissonant, perhaps, because its protagonist is stuck wherever he is, biding his time til he can get out [of] there. Out there, right?


*Can anyone confirm that “Hovvdy” is pronounced “Howdy”? Please, please, please.

What’s in the mystery box?

Maybe you’ve been Kondoing, others among us have been collecting, so much so that on Etsy and Ebay, mystery boxes are a quickly growing thing. Here’s how it’s happening: reputable sellers find more odds and ends than they know what to do with, so instead of selling things one by one they offer bundles of low-cost items that they’ll curate for each individual buyer. You, online shopper, pick a price tier, then wait to receive the gift pack that’s been selected SPECIALLY FOR YOU. Yes, you, and no one else, because *you* are unique and deserving of this special, special present. (Or so the psyche goes.)

Therapists having to learn about astrology

Well, guys, we’ve done it to ourselves: everyone is going into their therapy sessions talking about crystals and retrogrades. Given that witchery is, uh, not necessarily addressed in psychology school, therapists are having to adapt. That means learning what the fuck an Aries is supposed to be like, listening to recordings of drug trips, and humoring interpretations of tarot. Whatever opens you up, right?


One last gift from Etsy

This tarot deck takes out all the work of interpretation (Arcana what?) and gives it to you in terms you’ll understand. Are you rocking that insta-famous energy? Stuck with a side-hustler or a fuckboy? What does the future hold for YOU. Find out for the low, low price of $16. (Or $25 if you order on Etsy. Who knows.)

Like I said: ESPN.



PS No newsletter on Labor Day, have a great long weekend!