“Tree Sexism”

May 29, 2019

Listen: Mirror In the Sky by Peaking Lights

If you know the lifestyle brand Pilgrim Surf + Supply, it will not surprise you to learn they are making an extremely self-serious documentary about surfing and surf music. Out in June, it toggles between scenes of surfers and musicians, so they’re making a big deal of the soundtrack too. Tracks are dropping gradually in advance of the film release, and the best of the three so far is “Mirror In the Sky” by the (married) synth pop duo Peaking Lights. It’s a dancey one— a bit buoyant for a film called “Self Discovery For Survival”— but we’ll take a little levity. Listen here.

Climate language heats up

In the wake of the UK’s declaration of a climate emergency, The Guardian has updated its style guide to reflect the severity (and science) of the situation. “Global warming” has become “global heating”; “climate skeptic” is now “climate science denier”; and “climate change” is “climate emergency, crisis or breakdown.” *And* their weather page now prints the global carbon dioxide level daily: their way of saying, “the problem is now.” American papers, take note.

Another environmental whoopsie

Now in the trivia corner of ecological news, one horticulturalist appears to have gotten to the bottom of allergies. By his account, American cities in the 1950s were advised to plant only male trees (plants have sexes, remember) to avoid the nuisance of female trees dropping seeds (lady trees bear fruit, while dude trees just pollinate). But the absence of female trees has left us with twice as much pollen, with nowhere to go but our eyes and our noses, and here we are. What an adorable metaphor: decision-making body votes for all-male representation so as to avoid dealing with female baggage. Fast forward 70 years and everyone is allergic. Reminder, kiddoes: don’t fight with Mother Nature.

For lady trees (or just everybody) $

Drop the pink tax and pick up Billie. They’ve made a $9 razor with blades encased in 360° of charcoal shaving soap, so you don’t need any shaving cream. Get yours here.

 “Mirror in the Sky” indeed.



P.S. SPEAKING OF HORTICULTURE: Here’s my NYT piece on Wave Hill, a v special garden in the Bronx, from the first 2019 issue of Summer in the City. The next one comes out this afternoon– sign up here to get it for free, every week of the summer.

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