When you get famous off of a few hits, adjust for a second, and then release a single, what do you call it? “One more,” naturally, new from your girl Yaeji. It’s gentle, directed, atmospheric, cheeky, all the things that ensure she’ll keep on coming up.
The Pants Paradigm
October 3, 2018
The Pants Paradigm
One of my favorite headlines this month: “We’re in the midst of a paradigm shift in women’s trousers.” Which, 1. is true, and 2. has awakened us all to the very concept of a pants paradigm, which was obscured amidst the dominance of the skinny jean (a paradigm itself, sure, but a long enough paradigm just becomes ‘normal’). And the shift has been gradual; bell bottoms came knocking last year, and slowly, more wide-legged options have pushed against that fissure, which eventually opened to reveal the shape of the moment: high-wasted, A-lined, wide-legged trousers. Color and pattern don’t matter; just please have an exposed ankle. Unfortunately, this means that we’ll all have to fully reconceive of our styles– with a new pant shape comes a tightening of shirt silhouette and a lowering or total erasure of footwear shaft– but just think of it as a chance for capitalism to thrive.
But also up top
Despite my love for that headline, it appears that the paradigm shift is not relegated to pants. Please see T Mag’s “The Shape of Things To Come,” a photo feature full of famous faces popping out of monstrous amounts of coat. You have a minute to plan for this before winter, but here’s a tip: if you don’t have staff to help you layer, Christmas-Story-style, just buy one really big one.
Ok one more
According to only to the internet and zero anecdotal experience, giant bags are in too. Probably to fit all your coats.