Selfie Care

August 23, 2019

Listen: Movies by Weyes Blood

Weyes Blood (pronounced “Wise Blood”) is like if Wagner, Mozart and Joan Baez got together and figured out how to appeal to 2019. On “Movies,” her musky, vintage voice velvets all over a series of synth chords spangled with oscillating arpeggios, swelling and toggling between catharsis and suspense. It’s a super serious backdrop for lyrics that culminate in “I love the movies,” and it’s absolutely wonderful. Take a listen.

It’s… an experience

If you thought the “instagram experience” moment had peaked and passed, I am truly, deeply sorry to report that the Museum of Ice Cream has just raised $40 million to drastically expand the economy of posing against a color in a room. There will be museums of other foods, of course, plus permanent museums of ice cream (in— where else— Asia), and possibly even an ice cream theme park. Question for investors: have you ever had a scoop too many? It makes you feel sick.


Experiencing loneliness

The continued “experience” fervor helps explain why Edward Hopper’s painting, Western Motel, is coming to life as a real hotel room. It’ll be in the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, which we can assume harbors a degree of jealousy toward all those museums who get line-generating Kusama rooms and all that. But no more! Being in the Motel is an immersive moment, purported to “allow you to experience all the alienation of the artist’s classic paintings.” Something tells me we’ll feel just as alienated if we experience it through instagram. Exhibit opens October 26th.

I have a headache $

Meet Cove, a new company providing treatment for migraines (typically of the non-news-induced variety). An online consult helps formulate a personalized treatment plan, with both acute and preventative medications that are shipped straight to you. You’ll be paired with a doctor for follow-up chats on your prescription and ongoing support in case you need to change your routine. If you’re looking to find what works for you, you can get your first month of prescription medication free with a $15 consultation. Get started here.


What do we think an “inexperience economy” would look like?



PS The world is trying to arrive at a new definition of “Museum.” What a relief that the debate doesn’t involve dairy.

PPS To be clear, the full Hopper exhibit looks to be thoughtful and cool (read more here). The VMFA is also free, so if you’re in the area, you know what to do.

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