
July 10, 2019

Listen: Deployed by sir Was, ft. Little Dragon

My notes on this song simply read, “big,” which is funny given the restraint of its full first minute. With time, the contained, vintage, two-note melody builds to a bright, wavy guitar mirage that gives way to… more restraint, this time in the voice of Little Dragon. When they join for a unison sing of those two notes around minute three, the repetition of that tiny space becomes so confident that it creates bigness, its attitude growing larger than any of its parts. Listen and maybe you can be big, too.

VC for your RV

Fun summer venture capital update: Outdoorsy, a company that rents out camper vans while their owners aren’t using them, just raised $50 million in a Series C, after a $25 million Series B earlier this year. That’s $75 million to the AirBnb of vans in one year, which makes you wonder: are consumers getting more adventurous, or are we just getting poorer?

And 4 ur BFF

Want to take a sweet van trip but don’t want to go it alone? Why not rent a friend. For $47 an hour, RentAFriend gives you access to a pool of friendly faces, which seems roughly admissable, except that the friend profiles also include physical traits like eye color and body type. Some people, of course, are mad at potentially sexual details being listed on a supposedly platonic matching site, but here’s my hot take: if you’re considering physical characteristics in your friend choice, that could be why you don’t have any friends.


If you could pick any friend to have, it would be Megan Rapinoe, wouldn’t it

By way of imagination, check out Re-inc, the clothing brand Megan Rapinoe just dropped with Christen Press, Tobin Heath, and Meghan Klingenberg. Their first products are two tee shirts that are predictably and wonderfully gender-neutral, reading, “Liberté, égalité, défendez.” They’re sold out for now, but the collection is set to expand to other gender-neutral pieces in the future. Might want to set an alert on these.

Friends forever,


PS You want that trip to Bhutan, right? Enter here for some quiet time in the Himalayas.

PPS Here’s last week’s Summer in the City piece on some killer Minor League Baseball.

PPPS I sort of profiled myself in the NYT last week– it’s a little behind-the-scenes look at the Summer in the City team and process. Read all about it.