Old dog, new tricks

May 15, 2019

Listen: Pedigree by Garçons

Since 2017, Deelo Avery and Julian Strangelove have been producing funk and R&B as “Garçons,” and just last week the dropped a new Afrobeat-pop single, “Pedigree.” It’s a sweet little listen accompanied by a video of Deelo as a dancing janitor, but after the initial delight, nothing really escalates in the song or the vid, so it feels like the garçons need a little more time to build the confidence to shake it up. It’s ok, though, not everyone is an homme right out of the gate.


Tamagotchi 3.0?

Don’t tell me Tamagotchis are easy to kill because they are relaunching AGAIN. Geared toward actual kids this time, rather than nostalgic Snake People*, this one is a souped-up version of the original. The screen comes in color now, and once you’ve shepherded your pet to adulthood, you can “marry” or “mate” it with other Tamagotchis, but only the ones that belong to people you know– you’re a kid, remember?  It’s unclear how you, kid, will clear the $60 price tag with your allowance or even your parents (the OG was $18), but maybe try arguing that this is practice for a *real* smartphone– you’ll build responsibility by checking it constantly, and even learn how to test the waters of searching digitally for a mate. Who says play won’t build life skills.



But is your dog at peak wellness.

For adults who have real pets, please welcome Petco’s new canine Health and Wellness Kitchen to Union Square. That’s right, Dig Inn for dogs is here with human-grade food for your non-human friend. The first café of its kind bears a striking resemblance to Whole Foods, which it might as well be, since, again, you could order off the menu for yourself if you wanted to– early offerings include turkey with macaroni, and venison with squash. Who’s eating whose table scraps now?

So what is BarkBox doing selling TOY dumplings?

So demeaning. I mean, really.

Looks like we’re gonna have to establish some clarity around the term “doggie bag.”

