Cecilia Peña-Govea, the San Francisco singer known as La Doña, is working to coin “femmeton,” a lady-led subgenre of reggaeton. Her latest drop, “Quién Me La Paga,” is leading the charge with lyrics about supporting yourself, the way you do when you’re an independent woman. The song is a full-band bop, extremely danceable and liable to lodge itself between your ears, possibly even sparking a drive to thrive on your own efforts. Turn it on and see.
Ok, Bloomer
February 25, 2020
This guy pays
It is not news that Bloomberg has been pouring cash into his Presidential run, because he can. Reportedly, his lowest-rung campaign staffers are making $60-70,000, and that number balloons to $375,000 at the top. Before his cash asteroid flames out, let’s pause to view all the shiny staffers his money can buy. He’s got numerous ex-editorial staff from— wait for it— Bloomberg, including several high-ups from the Opinion section; Bill Knapp, an ad guy whose firm is currently producing ad spots for Biden (Knapp is taking a leave to work with Bloomberg); Gary Briggs, Facebook’s CMO until recently (cool optics there); Jeff Glueck, previous CEO of Foursquare; Julie Wood, the old director of comms at Lyft; Elisha Wiesel, ex-co-chief information officer at Goldman Sachs; and many more. We can only hope they’re forming life-long friendships on their billionaire gap year.
Is it working?
You know who hasn’t been bought? The Opinion section at the New York Times (note that this publication is not owned by Michael Bloomberg). Last week, Charlie Warzel had some choice words to share on the oligarch gaming our attention. Beyond buying unreasonable volumes of TV ads, Bloomberg has been paying off teenage influencers to post Bloomberg memes, and sending others $2,500 per month to post positive things about him online (Facebook said those posts have to be labeled as ads, while Twitter is suspending the posters’ accounts). He’s also gotten in trouble for posting deepfakes of the last debate and for writing “satirical” tweets implying that Bernie supports Kim Jong-Un, Qaddafi, and Putin. What were Warzel’s words, then? He called the strategy “deeply cynical,” “exhausting,” and, the big one, “Trumpian,” which seems to be the Bloomberg campaign’s biggest point of pride— that he might be able to fight fire with fire— but it’s also a gaping hole for anyone who would consider voting for Bernie. Exhausting, indeed.
Cleanup crew $
In any dick measuring contest, you want to have the tools for the job. In that vein, please take note of MANSCAPED’s New Lawn Mower 3.0 Trimmer, a waterproof tool with Advanced SkinSafe™ Technology. Their campaign message: “Millions of balls are about to become nick-free!” To cast your vote for a smooth set, use the code LOREMIPSUM for 20% off and free shipping at Manscaped.com.
Hope your regular Tuesday is still super duper,