Love in a hopeless place

June 12, 2019

Watch: Fool For Your Love by Harry Nathan

Fool For Your Love” sounds like a romantic lovesong if all you have is the lyrics. But the very sweet video, written by Harry Nathan and directed by the Dumplin’ star Odeya Rush, follows an animated little boy as he jets off to another planet to make new friends after a fight with his dad. He has a great time flexing his independence and then realizes he misses his pops, so he speeds back home through space to give his dad a big hug. Back at home, he finds his dad preparing dinner to share with him *and* his new friends from the other planet, because growing up is ok. Share these touching four minutes with a dad (any dad!) this week, and then progress to the rest of Nathan’s new EP, Songs To Dream About Her, which dropped Friday.

Back on romantic love

Bumble is opening an all-day café in SoHo in order to “bring the brand to life”, because where else in New York City would you go for a date? On the off-off-off chance that identifying a place to eat food is too challenging, they’ve done the hard work for you, setting up lots of two-person tables and keeping the menu to dainty things that you can eat in potentially romantic company. This news is exciting in its own right, but it’s all the more invigorating for the possibilities it opens up for other brands. What if Seamless opened a café next?

More People Solving Problems

The micromobility movement is rapidly creating ways to travel short distances, faster. And it was only a matter of time until someone itentified the optimal urban transit vehicle: the pogo stick. A Swedish startup called Cangeroo has announced plans to roll out pogo-stick shares in “select U.S. cities” and elsewhere, according to CBS. And at $1 for the first minute and 30 cents for each minute following, it’s one of the more cost-effective ways to break a bone, be it yours or that of another pedestrian. Yes, the sticks will be dockless, so you can also find them scattered on pretty much any sidewalk in participating locations (tripping over them is free). And you thought scooters were annoying.

The Mlouye Belt Bag

This geometric number might just be the perfect pogo-stick-to-date-night accessory. But you tell me. 

Ready, set, jump!
