
May 24, 2019

Listen: What’s Good by Tyler, The Creator

Tyler, The Creator is growing up, and nobody’s sure whether that’s a good thing. After listening to the new album, IGOR, some reviewers feel like he’s lost what made him great– that is, the adolescent willingness to shock at all costs; others congratulate him on his maturity, but wonder if there’s authenticity in his slightly more socially-conscious lyrics. You be the judge, and, contrary to what Tyler would want (which is for you to spend the weekend attentively listening to the full album, in order, on loop), start with “What’s Good,” a hypnotic, agitated, space-funk banger with notes of Thundercat and Childish Gambino. The line, “Hard to believe in God when there ain’t no mirrors around” conveys the general sentiment, which is thus: Tyler still loves Tyler.

Salt caves will definitely fix you

I know what your thinking: “I use nasal spray every night, but I just wish it could be more… experiential.” Well, do I have the spot for you. Salt caves are the newest spaces to go and sit quietly in the name of wellness, in part for the healing qualities of salt in your nose, and also for the womb-like vibe of their pink Himalayan salt walls. Conveniently, you don’t have to travel to Tibet for this experience– you can just hit 27th Street in Manhattan, where a tiny room has been outfitted with imported pink slabs. Contrary to instinct, the activity here is not to lick the walls, or to chip away at them, mining-style, for your own pink salt stash. Your task at the salt cave is to sit and breathe salt and imagine your nasal passages– or, for that matter, really any other part of your body– healing. Did I mention you can instagram it? You can instagram it.


What else can I buy

If breathing salt wasn’t enough of a grandma remedy for you, please enjoy the following statement: magnesium is the new melatonin. Because morning pill popping is no longer reserved for retirement age, the supplement race is on, so not only do we have magnesium for sleep, but magnesium for stress, magnesium for muscle relaxation, and magnesium plus CBD, cause why not. Might as well try them all, just to be sure.


You know what has a lot of magnesium? Chocolate. And if you put salt on it, you might as well slap on a sheet mast and start going by Gwyneth.


(And for anyone legitimately interested, this particular chocolate has salt *and* pepper. So cheeky.)

Weller by the minute,
