Eat your vegetables

July 19, 2019

Listen: Planet by Mike

This rapper named Mike makes albums like a 20-year-old: twenty tracks, most hovering around a 90 seconds, so you whiz on through. But what’s inside those tracks stings of maturity. This is an album for his recently deceased Mom, displaying mike Mike sitting in melancholy and searching for brightness. He achieves both, creating a sonic world of mourning on the tracks “Whole Wide World,” where he raps through pharmacy background music as if he doesn’t notice it’s there, and “Planet,” a more opaque song of restlessness. But those are at opposite ends of the album, so take a full listen through– tracks are quick, remember?


Snort your vegetables

Dear world, there is a new company making powdered fruit and vegetable packets made for mixing into water– intended, as the founders say, for those without sufficient access to cold-pressed juice. And that company, Kencko, just raised $3.4 million in order to charge you $3 per pack. “How else are you gonna get your 9 servings a day,” the company asks. Maybe start with regular food.

Here’s the thing

NPR just reported that if we all actually ate our vegetables at the recommended volumes, we’d face a huge shortage, since 45% of people around the world live in countries that without sufficient fruit and vegetable access. So good thing we’re eating all that meat after all– wouldn’t want to use all that cowfeed-growing land for human-edible food, would we.


*Turns out 30% of arable land globally is used to grow animal feed. Eek.


Why not try Arby’s meat carrot, an affable fuck-you to all the earnest earth-lovers out there. That’s right, they see your vegetable meats and raise you a meat vegetable. Joke’s on them, though– the “Marrot” is made of sous-vide turkey breast, which is almost surely terrible. Heard of hot dogs, guys?

Who’s got the meats? (More or less everybody.)
