Doomsday prepping: everyone’s doing it

April 27, 2018

Listen: America! I’m For The Birds, by Nicolas Jaar

You’d think a song with such an aggressive title would come accompanied by some kind of artist’s statement, but no such luck. Whatever, there are enough strong statements to come, so turn this up, enjoy some bass drum, and just carry over the ‘America’ bit in your psyche.

Apocalypse Prepping: Everyone’s Doing It

Cool story: doomsday prepping is getting really popular, and more and more people are stocking up on dried food supplies in case the world ends around them. According to Munchies, the top brand of prepper food has just about doubled its sales in the past 4 years (look for palettes of Wise-branded supplies next time you’re at at Costco; they’ll feed your family for a year). ‘Prepping,’ as it’s called by those in the know, has been a thing since the nuclear threats of WWII, but (predictably conservative) folks have been doubling down on the supply-hoarding when *things* happen of late– things like, for example, Trump’s convos with Kim Jong Un. Seems unnecessary, but hey, if it’s hoarding powdered mushroom sauce that makes you feel better about all this, who are we to argue.

Red is to blue as apocalypse rations are to beans.

Please see the New York Times headline, ‘The Comfort in Stockpiling Dried Beans,’ which, turns out, is the entrance to rabbit hole of bean love within the food media. For reference: The Guardian on ‘Why Beans Are Making A Comeback’Bon Appetit recipes x a zillionMelissa Clark’s beanfest… also, is anyone a member of the Rancho Gordo bean club?! Clearly dried beans are ~*a thing*~, and say what you want about why (so simple! so hearty! so *heritage*!)– what should be clear is that beans are the left’s doomsday rations, and we’ve started right in. The apocalypse is now, folks.

Since it’s the apocalypse, you might want an instant pot

Treat yo’self. YOLO? Something.

Aaaaaaand we are all caricatures of ourselves.

PS Plus a recipe to get you started: here’s the one from Tejal Rao in that Times piece. Instant Pot optional.