Big Data Energy

October 9, 2019

Listen: Keeping Tabs by Cuco ft. Suscat0

Cuco got famous last year when his song, “Que Lo Siento” blew up on YouTube. Since then the 21-year-old has been hard at work on a new album, and in a rare instance of internet justice, his work validates his fame. Para Mi is a bedroom pop situation full of exceedingly catchy, youthful bops infused with Latin musical themes. And it comes with some lovely videos to dig into alongside the music. The opening montage of “Keeping Tabs” shows two buds trying to drop acid in a car, if they can ever get through making fun of each other. When they do, the song kicks off a super adolescent story of using drugs to explore big life questions. Illustrated by a neon night out, it’s repetitive in a good way, becoming almost a video game soundtrack to Cuco’s weird dream— or, listener, to your life, whether or not you are, at this moment, tripping balls.

Big Mac Data

It’s a familiar story: in the ’50s, McDonald’s out-teched all the other restaurants and used efficiency to take over the world. Since then, they’ve been riding high on property and burgers— but they’re afraid of falling behind. In a world of infinite digital sophistication, Micky D wants to operate like an Amazon or Spotify, gathering customer info to boost sales. But to gather usage data, you need digital infrastructure, so McDonald’s is tearing down old locations and building new ones with touch screens and license plate scanners and other bells and whistles (which their franchisees pay for, often begrudgingly). They’ve also acquired several companies to expand their digital muscle, including an AI company that will customize drive-thru options; a voice-recognition startup to minimize staffing; an app that runs text-message loyalty programs. And you thought Sweetgreen was pulling ahead with tech. Sorry, friends, Ronald’s not going down without a fight.

Big Butt Data

Cool, so now that we’re locked and loaded on data to eat ourselves ill, how about some health analytics? One of the splashiest companies to target me on instagram lately is Forward, a healthcare group that specializes in “preventative primary care” using the “most advanced medtech” to make you into your best self. (If that feels like a lot of superlatives, just wait.) At their facilities, you’re expected to come in 2-3 times per month for a 3D body scan that assesses “health” (body composition) metrics like fat percentage and water weight. And for extra kicks, you’re invited to stay for on-the-spot genetic testing. It’s not clear whether they’d be able to diagnose you if you had the flu, or if medical treatment is involved in the process at all. But look on the bright side: if all our health concerns are cosmetic, who needs Medicare?

Big Hair (No Data) $

So, what’s it gonna be, vanity or indulgence? If the answer is both, check out Sugar Bear, gummy, bear-shaped vitamins made to lengthen and strengthen your hair. As a bonus, they’re vegetarian, gluten-free, and cruelty-free, but the bottom line is they’re yum in your tum. Learn more here.

Quantify me, Cap’n,*




*Mixed ’90s metaphor, sorry

$ = sponsored