
September 6, 2019

Listen: (Root)less by Saint Mela

Wolf Weston seems like a perfectly good band name, but it’s actually just the name of lead singer in the New York quartet Saint Mela. Her musky cellophane voice carries forth a dark, funky, genre-bending pop, spinning up a storm of urgency between her and the percussionist on each song. Appropriately enough for a Friday, the band’s debut album starts dark and follows a gradient to relative lightness, so if you were to start listening this afternoon you’d be feeling weekend-ready by the time 5:00 hits. (Root)less, track 2, is naturally on the darker side and all about people taking your energy without asking or really deserving it. Been there? Hit play.

Vegan Influencers Disappoint Fanbase

What happens when your idol stops being who you think they are? A bunch of vegan hypebeasts are finding out as the veganfluencers they follow drop the diet for health reasons. As you might expect, a number of (phone)screen personalities who’ve forged identities out of raw veganism are now afflicted with anemia and other diet-related deficiencies; to restore their health, they are adding foods like fish and eggs back into their lives. But their fans are. not. having it. Comment sections are reading along the lines of, “you are going to include rotting flesh recipes and then talk about honoring our bodies… It sounds like money was involved.” What if we loved each other as much as we love the earth we’re all singlehandedly saving?


Vegan Woman Disappointed In Neighbor

Now we jump to Australia, where a legal battle is roiling over whether it’s ok for a vegan woman’s neighbors to barbecue in their own back yard. The woman filing the suit, now a favorite news item down under, takes the smell of grilling fish as a personal attack; sub-attacks include other, unrelated smells and the noise of children playing. Rather than taking off to live in a sanitized bubble, the woman has thus far succeeded in halting the barbecue as well as the children’s back yard play. Regardless of how the suit goes, the court of public opinion is doing its work and thousands of Australians have RSVPd to a barbecue outside this lady’s house on October 19th. Mark your cal to tune in to the news around then.

No shade on veganism though

Doing right by the world and being nice to other people while you’re at it? Good on you. For the vegans and vegan-adjacents in the house, here’s a new brand of almond milk concentrate that seems pret-ty promising. It’s just a nut paste that you blend with water, which eliminates a lot of that crazy tetra packaging as well as any weird stabilizers and preservatives (the only ingredient is whole nuts— yay protein). Bonus for you: you don’t have to carry some heavy thing home from the grocery store. Give it a try!

No, you’re nuts.



PS Per Wednesday’s issue, it turns out America IS interested in free buses and Kansas City wants to nix fares. Hope they do, and thanks to Emily for sharing.