America Runs On…

April 9, 2018

Listen: Hot Pink by Let’s Eat Grandma

Queens of punctuation (so different from ‘Let’s Eat, Grandma!’) these girls are also quite good at indie pop. Tinged with hints of Lorde– the duo are 18 and 19 respectively, and occasionally flit between falsetto and that airless, Lordey oration-singing– Let’s Eat Grandma turns out some great synthy production and unexpected percussion, both in instrumentation and rhythm. I also want to give them credit for having songs that are distinct from one another; unlike many younger music-makers, they are real songwriters, and their album will keep you engaged right on through. Which makes a lot of sense once you know their story: these girls have been friends since kindergarten, and have passed their lives making weird songs out of instruments lying around their houses. If that’s not a satisfying band foundation story, I don’t know what is. Keep it up, ladies, and hi to Grandma.

Taking a slogan and making it great again

One week out from the Boston Marathon, there’s something you need to know: Saucony and Dunkin’ Donuts have teamed up to make a Boston Marathon shoe that’s orange and pink and emblazoned with… wait for it… America Runs On Dunkin. Slow 👏. Clap 👏. for these two Massachusetts institutions and their beautiful collaboration. Don’t even try to tell me the ad industry’s dying.

So to confirm, America runs on…

For all the non-runners, though, there’s something else America runs on and it’s… still Dunkin’. By which I mean sugar. And surprise, the quest for the great sugar substitute hasn’t ended: Nestlé has been working on a new sugar-reduction technology for their candy, and it’s supposed to roll out some time this year. “It is sugar, but it is assembled differently so it can disassemble easily in your mouth with less going into your gastrointestinal tract,” according to their CTO– reorganizing food chemistry, what could go wrong? Nestlé won’t sell it in packets to put in your coffee, thankfully, but they may white label the technology so other companies can use it (read: drive up Nestlé’s bottom line). Did we learn nothing from Sweet N Low? I can hardly wait for some class action 20 years from now.

A different kind of class action

Of course this exists: there’s now a workout app called Playbook that will ‘pair’ you with a fitness influencer and feed you their daily workout routine so you don’t have to work to assemble it from instagram. It’s unclear whether a disembodied Sarlett Johanson is on offer, but worth investigating. Take that, ClassPass.

You don’t need me to tell you that those Sauconys are sold out, but I think there’s a good game of shoe bingo to be had on the marathon sidelines. Make your own bliss, right?


PS Back on the face gym, thanks to Michael for this unbelievable YouTube precursor, and apologies to the rest of you if it appears in your nightmares.