Out to lunch (sort of)

August 21, 2019

Listen: Hurry on Home by Sleater-Kinney

This is the way to do a lyric video. On “Hurry On Home,” Sleater-Kinney (the band with Carrie Brownstein!) illustrates its lyrics in iMessage, texting a lover about hightailing it home because “I’ve set a place for two” and all these other familiar things are going on. The one-sided narrative continues all warm and familiar, but the lover– or, ex, as we learn, texts back important background info that you don’t hear in the lyrics, like, “I thought we were on a break?” and “Also I’m not alone right now. Sorry.” But, the protagonist prevails through a series of life-bettering google searches that we also observe through her phone screen. Brilliant.

McDonald’s rolling out innovative to-go-only stores

The word from the McDonald’s near my mom’s house is that they “closed for renovations,” knocked down the original building constructed in the ’90s, and built a new one from the ground up. The rub: it is still a McDonald’s. In that vein, the industry news is that the chain is rolling out to-go-only locations, as if that were any different from what they were doing already. A word to MacDo executives: it’s not innovation til you make an actual change.

For those on their way to a takeout-only McDonald’s

I found this fun website called Sad Lunch Break that is full of interesting links to read while you are on yours. That might mean “in the drive-thru line” in this instance. If that’s the case, please watch out for cyclists.

For those *walking* to a takeout-only McDonald’s

Oh, so your lunch break is less sad cause you’re on foot? Good for you! Amp up the experience with The Walking Podcast, which is an audio recording of a guy walking around the woods in the Pacific Northwest. Probably beats your strip mall, from a sonic perspective— and if not, please write in to explain why.

Fun fact: in 1966, the McDonald’s slogan was “The closest thing to home.” Which is undoubtedly true for some, geographically.
